Monday, July 21, 2008

Picture Time

Very recently, I have found myself with a good deal of extra time on my hands. Without getting into the particulars, I am endeavoring to invest this free time into some constructive hobbies. For instance, I have been spending more time writing music, writing on this here weblog, maybe do a little reading, and finally getting back into the photography thing as well.

And so, ideally once or twice a week, I am going
to combine two of those activities in the above list and post some recent photos on here. If there is a story behind any of them, I will put it out there as well.

So, for the inaugural photo-post.... (drumroll)

(Yankee Candle top turned into an ash tray on our back deck)

(my guitar on my wall)

(incense burning)

That's all for today. I'll have some more up later this week.

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